December 5, 2022

In high school, I learned not to correct how a teacher spells a word on the whiteboard, because it might make them feel embarrassed in front of the class.

In college, I learned not to correct how someone cuts a green pepper, because it might chafe at their lifelong fear of never doing anything right. …

November 29, 2022

Why did I add a gold infinity sign to my book cover, instead of a puzzle piece, even though my subtitle includes the word “unpuzzling”?

Because autistic people are not puzzles. That symbol has harmed people’s perception of us, causing them to think our actions don’t have logical reasons.

“Unpuzzling” is a word I …

November 27, 2022

My autism evaluation included an IQ test. But they didn’t tell me that ahead of time, so I assumed every part was testing for autism.

I felt relaxed and confident the whole time – trusting that I would be good at the parts autistic people tend to get right, and bad at the parts autistic …

October 25, 2022

My first book, What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic, is now available in paperback, hardcover, and every kind of ebook!

For autistics everywhere, this is a book to help you understand your brain more deeply, with words you can borrow to describe who you truly are.

For non-autistics, it’s a book to …

September 26, 2022

Ways I self-advocate when I need reassurance:

“Please tell me a fact that I already know.”

Doesn’t matter what the fact is – mulling on truth keeps me grounded. Some people count sensory input (things they can see/hear/etc.) to reduce anxiety, but I find it less overwhelming to observe what’s inside me than what’s around …

September 25, 2022

Curiosity is important to me.

If I think someone is wrong, I try to learn more. If they extend the same grace to me, then we can figure out the truth together.

Sometimes, this causes me to change my mind.

I used to say I’m an aspie. Now I say I’m autistic.

I used to …

August 28, 2022

I got my first homework planner when I was 11. It was life-changing, but another year passed before I began to apply the same concept to personal goals.

In the meantime – the year leading up to my first to-do list – I made an epic mistake. A list could have saved me, and it …

May 19, 2022

The most common tips I hear for living your best autistic life are to protect your senses, explore your interests, accept your differences, and ask for what you need.

But there are other, less common tips that also help support autistic wellness. Here are three:

    Strengthen your joints. You may not be hypermobile enough to

May 15, 2022

People who experience anxiety often find it helpful to tune into their senses. A common strategy is to notice and name things you can see, hear, feel, and smell.

When my anxiety is brought on by sensory overload, though, that strategy is the exact opposite of helpful. I’m already overly aware of all the things, …

April 23, 2022

Lying awake at night, knowing nothing about neurodiversity, I sometimes got a strong urge to rub my feet together like a cricket. So I did.

But partway through, I always paused, just to prove I could. Then I continued.

For some reason, I thought the behavior was acceptable if I could stop it, and not …