March 24, 2019

You’ll be seeing lots of #AutismAwareness posts in April – but awareness that autism EXISTS is not the same as awareness of what autistic people THINK, FEEL, and NEED.

Some say we should scrap “awareness” campaigns completely, and focus on acceptance instead. But if it’s true that “hate is just a failure of imagination,” then maybe real awareness can inspire real acceptance.

So, I propose a challenge: Whenever you see a post about autism “awareness,” do a quick search for #ActuallyAutistic, to learn something new about autism from those who know what it’s like on the inside.

Bonus: Amplify autistic voices by sharing our words!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping people like me to feel heard and understood.

P.S. I write from my personal experience as an autistic. What I share is not a substitute for advice from an autistic medical professional. Also, some of my opinions have changed since I first wrote them.