I work in an office, and I find that I get along better with coworkers if they understand a bit about how my brain works. These are the top things I’ve found it helpful to explain.
- I have a disability, which is also in some ways a superpower. It affects how I process information, which in turn affects everything else.
- I notice tiny details. If anyone needs help double-checking something, I’m a great person to ask.
- Since I’m so focused on details, I sometimes miss the big picture. I need help to prioritize and identify what’s worth my attention.
- I do my best work when I avoid interruptions. If I lose my train of thought, it takes some time to get back on track. But I’m capable of very complex tasks when I focus on them.
- I take instructions very literally, not reading between the lines or guessing at what’s implied.
- Bright lights and loud sounds feel extra bright and loud to me, so I try to block them out when possible.
- I have trouble processing audio, so meetings and phone calls can feel draining for me. I need time before to prepare, and time after to recover.
- Since I try to follow rules closely, I get confused if they’re ignored in practice. I like knowing exactly what’s expected of me.
- Sometimes I fidget with a small object. It calms me, and helps me to think more clearly.
- These things are true because I’m autistic. Many of them are true for other people too, but all are more common for autistics.